Monday, June 9, 2008

Chelsa 1, Luke 0

Chelsa Wagner might already have a leg up on Mayor Luke. She made a smart strategic move by supporting Barack Obama in the April 22nd primary. That was a smart move for a couple of reasons.
  1. The obvious: Barack won the nomination. While Luke and Dan were parading around with Hillary and the Governor, it looked real good. But the truth is all they were really doing was alienating themselves with the presumptive nominee. I can bet that Obama's camp will remember who was supportive early when it comes time to repay their friends ........ and their enemies.
  2. Barack Obama won the city: Very handily that is, exposing a powerful potential coalition of Progressives, African-Americans and Young People. If a candidate can build a similar coalition they'll send Luke to early retirement and redraw the local electoral map.
  3. Obama supporters: If Chelsa can translate that Obama support into Wagner support, she'll have a formidable base to build from. They could very well be appreciative for the early Obama support and jump on early in 2009.
So there you have it. Chelsa 1, Luke 0. If Obama wins in November the move could be worth two points, or more. Luke it's your move, but I imagine you are not much of a chess player.


dogfood di said...

hey anonymous blogger,

is there any way i could get in touch with you and ask you some questions about your endeavor?

Draft Chelsa 2009 said...

No dice, I must protect my anonymity.

dogfood di said...

is there anyway we can dialogue? you may remain anonymous. this is prime fodder for a news piece where you can get your message out!

Bram Reichbaum said...

Dude, don't be fully anonymous. At least get someone to speak for the blog and the movement, ASAP. Try the gang who congregates over at PWBS.

pghdem said...

Pittsburgh needs Chelsa Wagner's leadership. Representative Wagner is young, energetic, intelligent, and responsible. Unlike the incumbent, she understands the responsibility that accompanies her position and doesn't treat it as if it were one long, continuous, frat party. The only downside is that she would need to deal with nine empty-headed twits. It's hard to believe that we could actually have gone downhill from Michelle Madoff and Robert Rade Stone, but we have. Representative Wagner for Mayor!

Draft Chelsa 2009 said...

The movement will build organically, Ravenstahl will continue to be the spokesperson for change...